Candy making members of Retail Confectioners International (RCI) both manufacture and retail confectionery products. If that is you, then check out the benefits you could enjoy as an RCI member..
Industry Connections
Build relationships with candy makers and confectionery suppliers. Learn from the experiences of your colleagues and connect with the suppliers you need to make and sell the best candies.
People-to-People Network - A directory of experts in the industry who have offered to share their knowledge with other RCI members. RCI members can directly contact the experts in this network with questions.
List Serve - Ask questions and receive answers directly from RCI members through our online List Serve forum.
Events & Education CoursesFace-to-face networking is one of the best ways to build relationships. RCI members and employees receive registration discounts to RCI events and education courses. Plus, new members receive $50 off full registration for events during the first year of membership.
Events - Each summer we host an Annual Convention & Industry Expo with a tradeshow, education sessions and behind-the-scenes tours. We also host regional conferences in fall and spring. Learn more on our Events & Education page.
Candy Clinic - Fellow members share their best innovations in this members only idea-sharing session at RCI events.
Education Courses - Course offerings vary each year; recent courses focused on topics such as moulding, caramels and creams.
Business ResourcesRCI provides a variety of resources to help your business, including:
Kettle Talk- This quarterly member publication contains articles on confections, merchandising and owning a business. Access past issues of this publication on the member side of the RCI website.
Membership Directory & Buyer’s Guide- The directory includes member contact information and a guide of associate members providing materials, products and services used by confectioners. Mailed to members each year, this information is also availabe on our website when signed in as a member.
Planning Calendars- Members receive an annual wall calendar that includes industry events and candy holidays as well as a four year calendar of major holidays.
Business Tool Kit- Members-only online resource providing information on business formation, benchmarking, GMPs and more.