Log in to the member side of the RCI website to view and post to The Candy Dish (formerly List Serve).
RCI members are able to pose a question to other members by posting to a forum topic and will receive feedback directly from fellow members. Ask a question and get responses from RCI members across the globe.
As a member, you may browse forums, search the content and attach files and documents to posts. Stay on top of forum topics and discussions by subscribing to daily forum digests and threads of specific questions. Subscribing to The Candy Dish is simple.
Access this instruction sheet to learn how RCI members may pose questions and subscribe to conversations.
If you have questions about accessing or using The Candy Dish, please call us at 417-883-2775 or email info@retailconfectioners.org.
The Candy Dish is now on Facebook! RCI's online forum just got more accessible! For members already using Facebook, we invite you to join our private Facebook group "The Candy Dish." To join, you must, first, like RCI's Facebook page (facebook.com/retailconfectioners.org).The search "The Candy Dish" in Facebook's search bar. RCI will grant access to members whose membership is in good standing.